Saturday, April 25, 2009

Geo Tracks – 2009 Apr 25

Hanselminutes 158 - Visiting Fog Creek Software and Joel Spolsky… I’m still not sure what exactly FogBugz is, but I learned a lot about how it was built and has evolved? Also, good to get some encouragement to keep writing, even if no one ever notices your blog :)

Psalm 80 – Psalm 85 ESV read by Max McLean

I started book 1, The Eye of the World, in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. Jeremy Miller put this at the top of his book list… I had never heard of it, so I’m giving it a try.  (Thanks for the iTunes gift cert Lucas!)

That’s it for this week… I worked from home Friday, so no commute.  Thursday I brought my wife to work with me so she could spend the day looking at places to live and schools in the area I work in… which means no podcasts since the wife likes to talk to me instead. :)  We may be moving closer to work soon!

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