Saturday, April 18, 2009

Geo Tracks – 2009 Apr 18

Alt.Net Podcast #18, talking with Jeremy Miller about Alt.Net.  I like what Jeremy and James Avery have to say here.  My summary: Alties need to focus on improving their own craft instead of trying to force feed their current stack of tools/patterns/archs into the .Net mainstream.

Stack Overflow Podcast #47 – Joel and Jeff talk about sketching mockups with Balsamiq Mockups (a favorite of mine), say they will talk about Eclipse but really don’t, and keep ramblin’ on and on…

Hanselminutae 5 with Richard Campbell – Scott admits he is out to waste my time with this episode, but hey, I’ve got an hour and 15 to waste driving to work anyway!

SE Radio #129, F# with Luke Hoban – Good talk about use cases for F#.  Luke thinks the increase of parallelism in software as we keep adding cores to CPUs will make languages like F# much more needed.  Also interesting that F# targets the ad-hoc algorithm crowd… people who analyze data using tools like MathCAD or Mathematica.

Why People Believe What They Do, SciAm Podcast April 10, 2009 – Interesting discussion about a study on the correlation (or lack of) between education, religious affiliations, and beliefs in evolutionary theory and origins of life.  One general consensus was that humans naturally gravitate to solutions that show some sense of purpose vs. “it just happened randomly”.

Gospel Conference Part 5, Francis Chan – Francis starts with Ephesians 2 and the hope of heaven… also talks through some of the ways his church (Cornerstone Simi) cares for and rescues orphans, poor and abused people around the world.

Psalm 37 – Psalm 50 ESV read by Max McLean

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