Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tracking SQL Server procedure and function changes

This Stack Overflow question inspired me to create a couple batch files today:

1. gen_all.cmd (creates one text file for each stored procedure and function in a database)

2. gen_since.cmd (same as gen_all.cmd, but takes a date/time parameter and only generates files for procs/funcs that were created or altered since the specified date/time)

Usage (to generate any files altered on or after Jun 5th):

gen_since 06/05/2010

I know there are some slick database change management tools out there, both OSS (Tarantino) and commercial (Redgate SQL Compare)… but I’m going to try using this simple batch file for a while as a nice, mindless way to save my DB objects as files that can be tracked in source control.

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